leads missing from your CRM

Ciro powers your GTM with accurate, customized, hand-vetted data. 8M accounts & counting.

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industries coverered

Supercharge your outreach with data

Ciro has built a living, breathing, database with the most comprehensive list of companies & contacts in the US.

Spend your time with the right leads

Our industry leading accuracy & coverage enables you to accurately target relevant leads by removing the junk from your pipeline.

Verified phone numbers & emails

60+ data points for each account

Find net-new accounts & contacts

Get the context you need to make the close

Close those tabs. We provide all the relevant information in one place so you can focus on selling vs. sleuthing around the internet.

Company firmographics

Decision makers by department

Email and phone contact info

Never switch context

Ciro effortlessly blends into your daily sales routine, enhancing your CRM without disrupting your workflow.

Data automatically synced into your CRM

Chrome extension that supports your workflow

Dedicated dashboard to browse, and organize leads for you and your team

Customer X achieved 14x ROI in the first month !

Explain how the customer was in a similar situation as your user, struggling with similar problems. Talk about their transition to your product and the outcome: how it solved their problems and helped them achieve their goals.

Lisa Hayden

Ciro has been a great partner and an essential part of our GTM stack

"Ciro has been a great partner and an essential part of our GTM stack. We didn't have a scalable way to gather this data previously. We met Ciro at the right time and they've incorporated our feedback into the product."

Sahil Jain
Growth and Go-To-Market Strategy

Ciro is a game-changer to better understand and identify our TAM

"Ciro has been a game-changer by enabling our organization to better understand and identify our TAM. The app helped us confirm our market hypothesis, and then provided the valuable prospect data to better understand our market share and that of our competitors."

Alex George
Head of Marketing

Ciro makes me feel like I’ve already met my prospect before a call

"Ciro does all the work for me heading into a call. It gives me confidence and makes me feel like I’ve already met the doctor before speaking. Ciro gives me the technologies, decision maker, contact info — it’s all there."

Luke Chapin